Powrtwin Series and All its Qualities

Posted 1 year ago

We have seen a lot of sprayers with a lot of amazing qualities but all of them have some kind of drawback. But, the sprayer that we have to discuss today is one such series that does not come with any drawbacks. It is an extremely efficient series and can do wonders when it comes to working with it.

The series that we are going to talk about is the powrtwin series with a lot of amazing things present in it. We will mention the qualities that are present in this amazing series. 

Powrtwin series:

The powrtwin series is one series that was introduced almost half a century ago. It comes with a hydraulic piston with a very good reputation and is known for its dependability as well as durability it contains. They are perfect for all the contractors that work on commercial, and large-scale residential projects. This is able to support multi-guns with it which makes it even more worthy. 

Qualities of the powrtwin series: 

The 900 pump:

The powrtwin series sprayer comes with a severe service 900 pump with a piston rod, and a cylinder which are tempered. These are basically warmed with the procedure of heat treating which is able to increase the life of the sprayer so much. This sprayer also comes with self-adjusting packing which is also able to save you from wear and tear as well as over-tightening. 

Hydra drive:

This sprayer also comes with the Hydra drive which is really smooth and is also reliable. This is also able to extend the operational life of your sprayer. This makes the spraying process very easy too. 

Pressure control:

The next thing that we are going to talk about is pressure control. With this sprayer series, you are able to adjust the pressure control. You can easily adjust the pressure anywhere between 400 to 3300 PSI. you can also spray the primers with low viscosity as well as heavy bodied coatings.

This sprayer series can give you pressure up to 3600 PSI. This series also comes with a portable sprayer that has the longest-lasting stroke and is known in the industry for this same reason. 

Easily convertible:

This is the sprayer series which comes with an easy swap. It can be done without the use of any tools. You can swap it anywhere between the electric motor and a gas engine.

Belt guard:

This is the sprayer series that comes with pivotable housing. This provides you with easy access to power conversion and belt replacement. 


This series sprayer is able to give you a heavy-duty frame. It comes with a durable cart which also has a telescoping handle as well as convenient handles.

These are all the qualities that come with this sprayer series. You can easily avail these qualities when you get your hands on this sprayer. This sprayer will turn out to be your best investment and you can enjoy the features for as long as you will have this sprayer.