Top 10 Tricks To Help Paint Your Home Interior With Professional Results

Posted 5 years ago
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Doing it yourself only costs a little when you do it for the first time, because you need equipment. However, in the long term it is a good investment for when you feel like changing the space around you according to your own needs. It is easy to just take out your Titan Sprayer Parts and assemble them to change the aesthetic around you fast and easy or just getting out your roller and using a hack to make some designs on top of your clean coloured paint.

The following are the ten tricks that will help you make your home look like it is fresh and new!

  1. Cleaning The Walls

Before starting anything, just know that you need to clean your walls, it will have a huge impact on the end result, do this a day before you start painting, it will allow you to have a even paint coat and will help get rid of patchiness due to paint dust particles. You can dust the wall and then wash it thoroughly if you are painting the exterior, if it is an inside wall, use a damp cloth and scrub it clean.

  1. Tape It Up

The areas you don’t want destroyed with paint are the ones you need to tape up. Don’t use duct tape, please. Use painters’ tape, it is made to be used for these things, make sure it is even and has no air bubbles. You can paint freely without getting the paint on the areas you need to protect, such as the ends of the walls, windows, doors, handles, sockets, etc. You can place the sheets on the floor to protect it, we prefer cardboard as it is recyclable.

  1. Using A Sprayer

If you want the professional results without the technique and effort, you can you a Titan Sprayer. All you need to do is watch a video to familiarize yourself with the Titan sprayer parts and learn the assembly. You will be able to get the perfect look with a coat, however if there is a lot of textured colour on the wall beneath, you can do a few more coats to make it perfect. However, once you have finished one coat, it is best to let it dry before applying a new one.

  1. Using Lighter Colours

If you have a smaller area that you want to make more appealing and look bigger; well, there are ways to do that, you just need to use very light shades, preferably use white. It allows the light to penetrate, letting your lighting bill go down and your room looks bigger and brighter.

  1. Roller Tricks

You can use rollers brilliantly; all you need to do is let the paint from the sprayer dry and then choose a colour you want the design on top to be. You can tie the roller head up to give you a cool pattern or even carve a design into the sponge to use on the walls that is cohesive. Your wall will look like it has a wall-paper on top due to the repetitive design, however you won’t have to see it slowly peal off, you can just get the simpler effect.

  1. Appeal Designs

It’s a Pun, you can use tape to create simple linear designs, vertical or horizontal to make your walls look elegant and appealing. The tape can be placed on top of a dry colour wall and you can spray a new colour on top. Once you pull it off the lines will have the colour below peak, this will make the contrast of the design look nice, making it look decent and elegant.

  1. Accent Wall

You van use the roller before using it for the design to actually paint a Geometric accent wall. The tape can be hooked in a way that there are shapes of big triangles, you can paint each triable a different colour, making it a fun accent wall. This technique can be used in many different ways and you can have many different styles of accent walls.

  1. Stencils

Stencils are actually extremely fun, you may have seen the Graffiti that uses stencils like Banksy, you can apply the same methods to make your walls more fun, but the stencils or cut them out yourself, using the Titan paint sprayer to get the perfect design, though remember not to use a heavy coat, it may drip down. Use the first coat, let it dry then use the second coat and then if you need it, paint it the third time. Take off the stencil when you are done and let it dry completely.  Honeycomb design is extremely popular.

  1. Paint Wall Furniture

If you have any shelves attached to your wall or simple showcases that cover your wall and are open in the form, you can paint them a colour that contrasts your walls. If you have white walls you can paint it a dark colour, if it is the dark walls, you can go for a Deep colour like dark blue. Furniture is easiest to paint with a Titan Sprayer, if you get yourself the Additional Titan Parts that allow you to paint smaller surfaces, it will take no time. You can do it with a paint brush if you are the type that likes to take time. However, if you want the easy way out, just get different parts from All Titan Parts and get your sprayer ready for work.

  1. Peal On Wallpaper

You can also add an Accent by completely making a wall one solid colour and using the split or double tone technique vertically to add wallpaper to contrast the painted wall, it will make your wall stand out and make your room much more unique.