A Sprayer for Every Application: PowrCoat Series

Posted 11 months ago

As technology progresses, people need to upgrade to it all to get the desired results. This includes not only the online world but also offline things. The users of the paint sprayers also want to upgrade so that they receive the best results continuously.

In this article, we will talk about one such sprayer series that can do it all. This sprayer series is known to be the sprayer for every single application and operation. Yes, we are going to be talking about the PowrCoat series.

We will also let you know about the things inside it and what it can do. This will help you in making the decision and the investment. 

The Powrcoat series:

The Powrcoat series sprayers are legitimately the ones that are being used all around the world. These sprayers give you efficient and dependable results. 

Features of the Powrcoat series: 

Fluid section: 

This sprayer comes with a sever service fluid section which comes with packing that is self-adjusting. This sprayer series also comes with a cylinder and a piston rod. The proprietary by AllTitanParts comes with hard chrome plating. This coating is known to be the slickest and hardest in the industry.  

Outlet filter:

This sprayer series also comes with an outlet filter that has a very high capacity. This outlet filter comes with three outlet ports. It also comes with a valve that can relieve the pressure. It also comes with an easy on-and-off filter. 

Things present inside this series sprayer:

Each sprayer comes with one or two things, but this sprayer has a lot more in the package. In the Powrcoat series, you get a moisture separator, lubricator, regulator, and air filter. This is all included in one single series. 

Heavy duty frame:

This sprayer series also comes with a heavy–duty frame. This consists of large pneumatic tires that are 16 inches each. It also comes with lift handles, making the transfer process easy and quick. The Powrcoat series also has a hose rack with a very high capacity. This hose can hold up to 200 feet. 

The Powrcoat piston:

Now the piston that is present in the Powrcoat series is not something casual. This is made in a way that gives you solvent resistance and unmatched chemical when you are working on a smooth surface. It also provides way less wear and friction than others. 


This sprayer series comes with tungsten carbide seats. These seats give a very smooth and efficient operation which also increases the life of the sprayer. You will get the best results working on the stainless steel balls. 


The Powrcoat series sprayers are the most efficient and one of the most reliable sprayers. These sprayers work endlessly and tremendously. You can work with them continuously without worrying about any damage and loss. This will surely be one of the best investments you can make and never regret.