The Amazing PowrLiner 850 and Its Properties

Posted 10 months ago

Paint sprayers or guns are the coating tools, and it is rare to find a flawless paint sprayer in this vast industry. If you want to make a smart choice or get a flawless paint spray, hit Titan. The Power Liner Series of Titan is smooth and has quality atomization, fine finish, reliability, and easy-to-handle technology. The main purpose behind these sprayers is to build smart and comfortable sprayers for entry-level contractors who work on pavements. Today, we will discuss and explore the Powrliner 850 of the PowrLiner Series for a better coating experience.

PowrLiner Series 

The first amazing thing about Power Liner Series is its smart technology, easy maintenance, driven stripers, and versatile utilization. PowrLiner 850 is one of its tools, and it comes with amazing features and uses.

Properties of PowrLiner 850

Here are the following properties of PowrLiner 850 that can help you get into detail or understand the beauty of this powerful Titan spraying series.

  • Clutch Driven 

The clutch-driven mechanism to pump required paint is a useful and effective property for newcomers or entry-level contractors. It helps them get the basic level lien stripper capable of high spraying pressure. They can use this clutch-driven system for small tasks like coating pavements, turf, and grass.

  • Simple Design 

The compact design of PowrLiner 850 helps customers hold and use it for long hours without getting tired. The simple design of PowrLiner weighs only 70 lbs, a decent weight for both new and old contractors. The best thing about the design is its adjustment and fit in the trunk of the motor cars. It consists of a removable gun that you can remove when shifting, painting, and stencilling.

  • Sealed Hydraulic System 

The hydraulic pump system of PowrLiner 850 is sealed, and this sealed system is a blessing for small-scale projects. The high-pressure pumping system stays under control and is an additional benefit for customers to use at commercial locations and for small coating tasks.

  • Super cool Engine

The maximum flow rate of a Powrliner 850 is 0.92 GPM, making it an easy starting paint sprayer. It consists of a 37.7 cc stroke engine to help customers give a kick start as soon as they click the start button. The super cool engine of PowrLiner 850 makes it light in weight and a comfortable paint sprayer that you can transfer from one place to another.

  • Comfortable Transportation

Unlike other paint sprayers, the PowrLiner 850 is a simple spraying gun that you can take from one place to another. While transportation, you can remove the gun to make it easy to keep it with you while shifting from one grass field to another.

  • Best in Class ROI

The market value of PowrLiner 850 is amazing because it has the best class of ROI. People prefer this Titan tool over other sprayers because of its smart built-in technology, affordability, and useability. It gives high competition and is a super cool option for coating fields, pavements, and other day-to-day locations.