Powrtwin DI Series with Two of Its Types

Posted 1 year ago
Powrtwin 4900/6900 Plus

For all the work that you have to do at your contracts, we have a sprayer for you which will make your life easy. When we say it, we genuinely mean it because we are going to introduce some sprayers like that to you in this article.

We are going to introduce you to the powrtwin DI series and explain both its types to you so that you can use them for their work.

The powrtwin DI series comes with an efficient siphon as well as an immersion unit that is direct. You can paint all sorts of coatings with this sprayer.

Powrtwin 6900 plus DI: 

When you have to coat something that has a heavy material which includes drywall, then this provides you with a foot valve that makes the process of working really comfortable.

Powrtwin 12000 plus DI:

The next type of the powrtwin DI series that we are going to talk about is the Powrtwin 12000 DI plus. This one sprayer again does wonders for you and your work.

When you are working on projects that are based on a larger scale then you need to have the powrtwin 12000 DI plus with you. The projects where you need at least 6 guns to work with, this is what you should work with. It is also built for the times when you need to work with heavy coatings. The thing that makes this sprayer the best one is the fact that it is the most portable sprayer.


We are now going to talk about the features that come with these sprayers because if you do not know the features then how are going to use them at the right place?

The first feature that we are going to talk about is direct immersion. These come with siphons with heavy viscosity that is submersed in the foot valve.

The next feature that we are going to mention is that these sprayers come with multiple spray guns. This has 3.15 gpm and it is also able to support up to 6 guns with it. This is also known to be an industry-leading sprayer with a lot of qualities.

The feature that makes it very easy to use at the job site is that is extremely easy to convert. By this, we mean that you can very conveniently convert this sprayer from a gas engine to an electric motor and vice versa. This makes the work at the job site easy and you can get it done in lesser time.


Now that we are already talking about the conversion we will mention one more thing which is the belt guard. The belt replacement has become easily accessible by pivotable housing. This also makes the process of power conversion easy too.

The last thing that we are going to talk about is the EZ swing frame. This frame is able to decrease the spillage when you are changing the paint and it also makes the process of transportation easy.