Helix VR 2.3 and Its Qualities

Posted 3 years ago
Helix VR 2.3 and All Its Qualities

In this article, we are going to discuss a sprayer that is outstanding with how it works and even more amazing with what feature does it possess.

The helix VR 2.3 comes with all the important features that are need in a sprayer and the amazing titan packing kit which makes it very easy to use.

We will now get to know about the working and performance of this amazing paint sprayer.

Helix VR 2.3:

If you want a sprayer that has great heating efficiency and also works very accurately then you need to have this paint sprayer in your business.

The key or the main feature of this paint sprayer is that it provides a pressure that is completely balanced, the material is less wasted, and it gives better performance of the coating.

This is known to be the first sprayer in the industry that gives direct heat from the system that is being used to the gun.

One other amazing quality is that even though this paint sprayer possesses a lot of qualities, yet it is very inexpensive, and it allows for a very simple operation.

It also offers some really good results and that is why it is great and easy to use and is definitely the best-selling sprayer.

Hose Heater:

The hose heater has the ability to effectively control the high temperature and the gun is made in a way that provides pressure management precisely.

The hose that is present in this paint sprayer has the ability to provide direct heat to the gun. This amazing feature adds all the heat to the end of the hose.

One other good thing about this hose heater is that the true chemical that is present on it checks the right temperature on the gun.

Ratio Controller:

This paint sprayer also comes with a ratio controller. The dual pump that is present in it allows for the dynamic rationing which ranges from 1:1 to 1:4 and not just that but it allows for all types of ratios without any side loading of bearing or the pump.

The ratio in this pump sprayer is controlled by the non-dosing technology that is present in it.

The precise controls that are present in it even make the ratios that are hard to achieve achievable by its technology.

Not just that but it also comes with the first completely integrated controlled dual pump which is a proportioned used for this system.

It makes it easy to continue the communication that is present between the pumps. And the last thing that we would like to mention is that it has the ability to synchronize the ratio sixty-four times per motor revolution.

The heating rod that is present in it is completely isolated from all the coatings that are present.

You can buy this sprayer from all titan parts and can use it on the projects that you are doing or want to do in the future.